December 19, 2018

“The Magic Of Revision” Video Response

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This is Obert Skye from ted talk. In his video he explains the importance of revising when writing any piece. He wants the viewer to understand that revising is a crucial step in writing that many people skip.


“The Magic Of Revision”:

Revising is a step that is very overlooked when writing an essay. This concept was key idea pointed out in the video “The Magic of Revision” by Obert Skye. Is the additional step of revision that is needed when writing an essay that allows the writer to catch error in the essay, grammatical errors, if a sentence sounds right, if there is a run-on sentence, etc. this step might me very difficult for many since it requires the person to take extra time to complete. When procrastinating to write an essay, revising is a very difficult task to do since there no time to go back and have someone read you essay over.

In the video “The Magic of Revision” Skye makes key points on the importance of revising your work. Skye says that “revision is understanding, long suffering, inquisitive and the detective of writing”. The way he describes this makes an interesting argument because I never thought of revision as a major part in writing. After viewing the video, I see why revision could be a useful and an important step when writing. Skye says that “good ideas can get lost or become hidden or never be discovered. There buried under the laziness and the misconception of a job well done. In reality it’s still a job just begun”. When thinking about revision like this, I agree because although I dislike revision its much needed. Like Skye says “revision is for the better of other” which I agree with because everyone writes papers so someone else like the reader can read it, being able to understand the main points being addressed and be able to understand the purpose of the text is important when writing an essay. At times what we mean to say or have the reader understand get misunderstood throughout the writing process; With revisions and taking the step to get a person to read the essay the final result of the essay will turn out very different when being compared to an essay that has not been proofread.

Time is the challenging part of revising an essay because if you do not allow yourself to have time to revise the end result will be greatly affected. This challenge can be easily fixed by pacing the essays through multiple days. The key idea in the video is that revising helps product the final product of the essay. Revising is an annoying step that many don’t do but should to help improve their essay.

Work Cited:

Talks, TEDx. “The Magic Of Revision | Obert Skye | TEDxIdahoFalls.” YouTube, YouTube, 29 Apr. 2016,

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