November 12, 2018

Reflecting on my View of work and life

Image result for work view life view reflecting

My Life view/ Work View Reflection:

Writing essays can be a challenge at times when trying to put ideas into words in a way everyone can understand it. This essay challenged my way of thinking, and the way I describe my thoughts onto paper. This process made me think deeper than I normally would about my views on life and work, which made me realized that describing life was harder than I thought. I never took the time to question the idea of life, death, time, beliefs, etc. This tasked help me better understand the importance to really analyze prompts so that the reader fully understands what I am trying to say. Before this essay I would have said life is something I live, but I would not think beyond that. There’s so much more about life that can be told but takes time to really think about it and put into words.

While writing this essays I used some rhetorical situations to help develop my writing. One rhetorical situation that had impacted my response was exigence. Through the use of exigence I could write about work and life views based on what I believe the meaning of work and life is. This shows the readers my understanding on these topics. Another strategy used was genre. Genre helped organize my essay so my ideas and topics can flow. I started off by describing work, then after describing life and lastly explaining in what ways are both life and work views connected and not connect. Purpose was another rhetorical strategy I used during my essay. This helped establish my essay because the strategy, purpose contributed to helping me decide and think about what exactly I would like my readers to get out of my essay. Out of all of theses rhetorical strategies’ genre helped impact my essay the most because I wanted my ideas to be understood the reader. This made me think more about the flow of my essay and whether it was easily read and understood. Genre also helped me format my essay better so that the ideas of life and work are told in many ways that can be understood. Through examples and even connecting work and life to money and religion.

In this assignment I could use the course learning outcomes to help develop my essay.  One course learning outcomes In the syllabus that I could meet was “Explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations”  since many rhetorical strategies were used like purpose, exigence, and genre. Other course learning outcomes that my essay meet the requirements for was “Develop strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing”. Since we drafted our essays,  received feedback and revised our essay this learning outcome was completed throughout the writing process. I also could use outside resources to help provide another point of view on the topic about work and life and with each resource a proper citation was provided.


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