December 19, 2018

Changes in my Work view And Life view

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Changes in My Work view And Life view:

When I was younger, I was told that staying in school is the key to succeed. I was told that I should attend college to get a better job and life. My grandmother always encourages my sisters and I while stressing the fact that we work hard now to not have to work as hard in the future. My grandmother says that educating yourself is the best way to understand the world around you. Through the idea of work, our success is determined. While my life view is based on what I experience through memories. Many times, our view of work either interferes or complement our views of life.

I view work as a task being completed either physically or mentally. Work can be a job you have or can be considered the assignments we complete in a school environment. Work In a job environment is something I believe many need to learn to succeed in future jobs. Through work you are able to obtain experience and understanding what job fits your abilities and skills best. Working in a job also teaches important life skills such as stronger communication skills, which is an important skill to have because you need to be able to speak professionally with others especially in a work environment.  For the most part work environments require you to interact with people and some with customers at a daily basis. Another skill that a job environment teaches is working with others through teamwork. I believe that teamwork is important to run a successful business because through the idea of teamwork everyone is more efficient, provides a healthy environment and everyone is able to communicate their ideas freely which allows creativity to flow best. Others might say that’s teamwork is not the most efficient environments because sources like “10 Reasons Why Teamwork Fails” by Belsanargue that “the presence of disruptive personalities” one person’s negative attitude towards the assignments and task cause an major impact for everyone else in the team. This occurs in many work environments especially when people are forcing to work with others they do not want to. It’s part of the teamwork when you work through small problems all together. My views on teamwork changed as I grew older because I always thought that completing a task by yourself was easier since you do not have to take someone else’s opinion into account. Based on my experience working by myself lead to results but eventually it became hard to manage on my own.

My work views are majorly influenced by my experience working in different work fields and what I expect the job to be like. Over the summer, I worked at a beacon program which in the summer turned into summer camp. During this job my views drastically changed because I saw how different people interacted with one another. I learned what works to make a successful and environment and what might not be useful to do. For example, I learned that the lack of communication can cause the environment will not succeed. The lack of communication occurs often at this work site especially when the directory will need to spread out information. Since there was a lack communication false information would be spread out making it difficult when there were trips or when the kids will have activities that day. I believe that professionalism is something else to have within a business, this helps present your business as a serious and a safe environment to bring your children every day. In the program everyone wore their uniforms and IDs which helped the program seem serious. With professionalism the way you interact with and around the children is important which was a struggle in the program. Through this experience and work I was able to learn what are some important skills is good to have in a job environment I want to work in the future needs to have. After this I was able to choose another job that I feel more comfortable to speak with my supervisor and the communication is better. Through work I was able to get this experience and be able to understand what job fits my abilities and skills best while also helping me to be able to succeed in the future as well.

Worthwhile work and good work are job activities, requirements and or assignments that the person finds interesting and enjoys the work that is being done in the job which makes it worth the stress, the long hours and the lack of sleep. This makes the job worth it since it’s something bring enjoyment.Ibelieve both worthwhile work and good work are categorized by the person’s opinion since it’s based on your likes, interest, standards of a job and experiences within the job. Since experiencing different job environments, I would categorize my current job as a worthwhile work that I enjoy the tasks I am given because I have experience doing similar tasks when I was in high school. These worthwhile and good work make completing tasks and doing work easier since your enjoying what you are doing in the job.

Life is described as something that we live on a daily basis and experience through memoires. We as people are raised and influenced differently in certain areas like education, religions, traditions, culture, etc. Our circumstances have a major influence on our beliefs especially if you believe in ideas based on experience. This helps build our individuality because as we grow older, we are able to choose whether we still believe in the same ideas we were brought up on, or if we believe something completely different. One example is when determining what’s right or wrong. I believe this is based on opinion and up bring because we formulate our opinions based on what we have been taught was right or wrong. If our parents taught us that good people give to others, we would give more often in order to fit these standards. This can be the same if another mother says a good person is loving of the people around them and treats others the way you wanted to be treated; you would know that you have to treat others in the right way in order to fit the standards as well.

The society and the environment you reside in has a great impact on the individual. I believe that this shapes the way you act, speak, and your personality. The individual starts to become influenced by the cultures, the religion and the behaviors that their exposed to. If growing up all you see is violence, you are shaped to the person you are because of that either in a negative way or a positive way.  However other might disagree and say that articles like “Nature vs Nurture in Psychology” by Saul McLeoduses example in which the environment does not affect your individuality and it has no connection since “Bowlby’s (1969) theory of attachment, which views the bond between mother and child as being an innate process that ensures survival. Likewise, Chomsky (1965) proposed language is gained through the use of an innate language acquisition device. Another example of nature is Freud’s theory of aggression as being an innate drive (called Thanatos).”. Through this quote McLeod argues that in many ways we inherit instincts that allow us to be aggressive, bond with your mother for survival and inmate a language. I believe these extinctions can be influenced by the environment because a baby is brought into this unknown place with no one to trust. As the baby grows, they are able understand who they cannot trust based on who they have been exposed to as a child which include their experiences with that person.

The relationships we make and have with others are important in our lives. We form friendships and relationships with people we care about and mean something to us. These relationships we have with others are important to balance out our lives. The friendships I created in high school are important to me because this was the first time, I allowed myself to really get to know people inside and outside of school. Before I would never care, and my school friends were just in school. With my Highschool friends I am able to build fun memories with them and enjoy myself every time I go out. Like friendship it’s important to have relationships with people you consider family. These people help support you and influence you positively. These interaction with people is a part of our society. We as individuals live in a community of people, we interact which is very important when everyone has their own perspectives, ideas and thoughts.

The anger, sadness and happiness we get when something happens in our lives are a part of who we are. For example, in the morning when I wake up, I feel exhausted getting into the shower since I’m still half asleep. When I leave the shower, I’m fully awake feeling at peace. Throughout the day I get stressed and then come home tried one again. All of these feeling is connected to the tasks I have completed throughout the day. Feeling tired and stressed is only two of many feelings people get. Sometimes you feel like crying because something occurred or maybe you feel enjoyment because someone gave you a gift. All of these emotions are connected to our daily lives.

Life is also associated with death since all living organisms die after certain amount of years. This is something unpredictable that occurs and cannot be stopped. At times medicine and machinery work to get the person at a stable point but medicine cannot cure death. This stage of life is a part of every organism’s life since everything that starts comes to an end. Death can occur in an instant to anyone at any time.

I view work as an important activity we do in our lives that helps us progress either in our education or in our careers. Through this we get to learn many useful skills that will help in the future for example the way we speak to people, how to communicate with other effectively and we learn skills that school does not teach. Since there a limit in school to what we are taught we aren’t exposed to certain information that will help everyone in the future like managing your money. My life view consists of experiences, memories with others and being content. Both of these ties into one another because work should have you satisfied and content with where you are in life. Work should be exciting, and you help with new memories as you encounter new people. Both my life view and my work view drive one another since the way I view life is a part of my job and future job I would select.

For a reflection on the process of writing this essay click here

Work Cited

Belsan. “10 Reasons Why Teamwork Fails.” Teamwork Definition Information, 28 Dec. 2014,

Mcleod, Saul. “Nature vs. Nurture in Psychology.” Nature Nurture in Psychology | Simply Psychology, Simply Psychology, 3 May 2017,

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